by Carolyn McSweeney-Grant | Aug 26, 2017 | Branding, Business tips, Business to Business, Business to Consumer, Customer Experience Focus, Digital, Leadership, Retail
Customer experience is trumping brand value to deliver a better bottom line. At a recent Customer Experience workshop at Oracle Brisbane, there was a brief discussion on the reduced value of the brand and the increasing importance of customer engagement in business...
by Carolyn McSweeney-Grant | Jun 6, 2017 | Business tips, Business to Business, Customer Experience Focus
Despite the importance of customer relationships, it’s getting tougher to maintain them. In a recent survey by Bain & Company, 68% of executives said customers are less loyal. But from the customers perspective, only 14% of business executives see a REAL...
by Carolyn McSweeney-Grant | Mar 17, 2017 | Business tips, Customer Experience Focus, Processes
Without exception when I talk to people about what I do, I get heads nodding in agreement. “Yes (we nod), it is very important to have strategies around creating memorable (good) experiences for customers. Without fail the “but” or the...
by Carolyn McSweeney-Grant | Dec 15, 2016 | Business tips
Biz Tips to Live by with the help of Shane Jacobson. Shane Jacobson tells the story of being on the set of the Bourne Legacy and how he was shown to his “trailer” which was what he considered a Taj Mahal on wheels with two toilets no less, in the bathroom and a decor...